Tell me if any of this rings true for you…
Your mind goes blank when you see an attractive girl you’d like to talk to
You don’t know how to start a conversation out of thin air
Even if you start a conversation, you run out of things to say within a few minutes
And you don’t know what to say to a woman to make her want you “sexually” — instead of seeing you as just a friend
The sad truth is…
9 out of 10 guys today struggle with these exact issues…
And as a result, never get to date or sleep with the women they actually want.
Which is why, a few months ago, I hosted one of the best Masterclasses I’ve ever hosted on “50 Things To Say To Women To Make Them Feel Attracted To You”…
And it was freaking amazing! (watch replay here)
Just check out some of the comments that we got during the LIVE Masterclass: