And immediately think…
“She’s out of my league”
And the truth is, she
But, NOT why you think.
Let me explain.
You see, if you’re like most men, you might think incredibly hot women are “out of your league”
You’re “ugly”…
You don’t have a million dollars in the bank…
You’re too skinny… too fat… or too old…
You’re not 6ft tall…
You don’t have six-pack abs and bulging biceps…
So on and so forth.
And it’s natural that you think that
After all, 1000s of movies, TV shows, ads, magazines and so on… have fed you wrong ideas about what women want… for YEARS!
But, believe it or not, the REAL reason why most normal, everyday guys can’t get those sexy, top-tier women is… something completely
Something you’d never expect.
Something no male dating “expert” and pick-up “goo-roo” will ever tell you.
The interesting part is:
Once you deal with that real issue…
All those gorgeous, high-quality girls suddenly “fall into” your league.
All of a sudden…